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Using Trusts To Care For Your Companion Animal

Pets are more than just animals. They are beloved friends and family members. When you pass away, who will care for them? One option is to use a pet trust to set aside assets for the care of your pet.

At Kridel Law Group, we help clients create legally sound trusts to ensure the protection of their beloved cat, dog or another animal. With more than 40 years of serving New York and New Jersey, we understand the deep connection that our clients have with their pets. We strive to give you peace of mind that your companion will have a comfortable life after you are gone.

How Do Pet Trusts Work?

New York is one of the 27 states that recognize pet trusts. You select a trustee and a caregiver, then designate certain assets to go toward the boarding, feeding and veterinary care of your companion animal. The trust does not terminate upon your death; rather, it provides for your pet as long as the resources in the trust last. A pet trust can do much more than ensure that your pet has food, water and shelter; it gives you peace of mind that your friend is taken care of, even when you are not there.

Personalized Solutions For Your Estate

We take the time to personalize your trusts, going over every detail that might affect your companion animal. Our team understands that creating an estate plan is sometimes an emotional topic, so you can rely on us always for discretion and compassion. Whether drafting a pet trust, will or power of attorney, our priority is to assist you in satisfying your needs.

Take The Steps Today To Protect Your Pet Tomorrow

Are you interested in discussing pet trusts further? Get in touch with one of our experienced lawyers. You can contact one of our office locations in Manhattan or Clifton to set up an initial consultation. To reach our Manhattan office, call 212-924-1625. To reach our Clifton office, call CALL. You can also send us an email.

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